The Queens Gambit — Walter Tevis
The Queen’s Gambit was a delight! I’d seen the Netflix series beforehand and am glad the book was equally delightful, in different ways. I try not to judge a series by the book (or in this case the book by the series, lol), so I will only talk about the book.
The book is short, but the prose made it fly. It was simple but sharp, equal parts action and insight. Sometimes things just happened for no reason, and the consequences weren’t dwelled upon. I liked that, especially in a coming-of-age story where people just straight up make poor decisions. Beth’s questionable decisions are punished, but the book is not preachy about it, which lets the reader focus on the story and the game.
I do like how Beth is a chess prodigy and a brain, but no one is lavishing her with empty praises. Like people are mystified and say she’s extraordinary… at chess… but her private life is a disaster lol, and people call her out on it. I’ve watched the series so I knew generally where the book was going, but I just could not stop reading. Both are wonderful in their own way.