Danganronpa the Animation Volume 1 — Takashi Tsukimi
I’ve played all three main games (and Ultimate Despair Girls) before reading the manga, so I was already a fan of the series. I have no idea if this influences how I enjoyed it; maybe if I’d read it before pouring my soul into the games, I would’ve had different thoughts.
What I loved about the games was the interactivity and really getting to know the cast. Of course, this is a bit lost in the manga, but I still thought it was well illustrated, fun, and darkly bizarre! The characters are a blast, the story is captivating, and the cases are creative. I read it while listening to the remix OST. Do not regret at all. Recommended for folks who have a high absurdity threshold*, lol
*Absurdity threshold: Well, it’s a whodunnit about a bunch of highly gifted (“ultimate”) students trapped in a school with a killer teddy bear, lol. I would recommend it only if this kind of premise appeals to you.