I have died. Died. In a manner absolutely fitting to the themes of the book.
The Loving Reaper is a series of short, bittersweet comics, each illustrating how we take for granted the animals and wildlife around us. Each comic follows the life of an animal and how it tries (tries) to survive our human world. The art is simple but impacting. The dialogue is short but cuts deep. Fitting to the title, the Grim Reaper is compassionate and understanding, explaining to the confused animals why they lost. And honestly, it made me want to bawl every time.
Most of the stories end with a quick paragraph or two on the seriousness of our actions, like buying puppies over the holidays (and abandoning them when people realize how much work they are). Never have I been so certain of a book purchase. The author and artist do a remarkable job and leave the reader with a simple plea:
Be kind. Always.
Read this now.